Every year, the Adams County Farmers Market serves hundreds of lower income residents and administers tens of thousands of dollars in food assistance benefits. Our staff and volunteers actively track critical market metrics to measure the overall impact of our initiatives and look for areas to improve or expand. The information presented below demonstrates the extremely important outcomes of our farmers market’s outreach and wellness programs. Click HERE to learn more about the Adams County Farmers Market’s various food assistance and wellness programs. To learn more about other food-related issues and community-driven solutions in Adams County, you can visit the Adams County Food Policy Council’s Dashboard.
“It is a wonderful program. You do a great service to the community.”
“We love it, the [children] look
forward to it.”
“This is really helpful for us to eat healthier and it lets us try new foods.”
Food Program Acronyms Explained:
SNAP – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly “food stamps”)
EBT – Electronic Benefits Transfer (how SNAP recipients redeem their benefits)
FMNP – Farmers Market Nutrition Program
WIC – Women, Infants, & Children (WIC clients receive FMNP benefits)
SFMNP – Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (food assistance program issued to lower income senior citizens)